grading results from exam 22/05/22The following students successfully attained 9th KupRayson Haley Elaine JoaquinReubenSatneetTeghveerthe following students have been promoted to 8th kup HaiderSiennaLena RobertKamilAudreyHarryDarshanHannahAmyWeronikaSamEmilyCairaHarmanMatteyPhillipAidenNishitaBalaYashica HarveerAlexThe following students have been promoted to 7th Kup JapjeetJasrajGeorge harsirat leonHenryJasmeetZhong yang The following students are now 6th KupAayatMonamFilip SartajThe following students are now 5th KupHarvey Congratulations to Martin Mindov who is now 1st